So I guess I'll write a ghost story since I you know follow the crowd and all. None of mine are as good as the others I've read but here goes.
I was home sick one day and my dog was with me. I was lying on my bed with the dog on my lap. Next thing I know he is standing and growling at my sisters bed. No one was there. Nothing had moved. He was viciously barking and growling too. I never saw him like that before or after.
Same dog. A different day. I was home alone again and my dog got me to follow him to his water dish. He didn't like to eat or drink alone so he'd make it clear he wanted you to follow him and when you did he'd take a piece of food and look up at you while he ate it. Anyway he was drinking out of his water dish and started backing away from it. The dish flew at him. It was the weirdest thing. It didn't hit him but definitely lifted and flipped in his direction.
Now the results for a sex appeal for women test.
Seriously Sexy! You scored 85%! |
Congratulations! This is the highest category so you are extremely sexy!
It would seem that you're a perfect mix of healthy confidence and self-esteem, sexual awareness and knowledge, consideration, a thoughtful good friend, intelligence, and with a healthy open-mind! You have sex're most likely quite aware of your non-physical qualities, you know where to draw the line, and I'm sure that other people notice it a lot!
Please feel free to rate my test below! :-) |
You scored higher than 99% on Sex Appeal | Totally shocked about the results of this test.. totally thought I did worse when I did this test....
Your IQ Is 105 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average Your General Knowledge is Above Average |