I have read all the comments but haven't gotten around to replying. Thanks for remembering me. :)
Update: I have gotten around to replying now. :)
I just got home. Let me start my first post back with I had a wonderful time!
Onto the story of my flight home. I was woken up by Callie sending her beautiful daughter in to get me up. Munchkin is the perfect wake up tool. How could I be grouchy with her cuteness around? Hubby (Callies... I don't have one of those lol) made us a yummy breakfast of bacon and eggs. I got to visit with them and then headed out to the airport.
We got to the airport early and I went to pull out my ticket when uh oh it wasn't there! I had stupidly taken it out of my case and left it at their house. (which btw is a half hour drive away) After discovering there was no way onto the plane without the ticket Callie had hubby pack up the kids and drive it to me. (Thanks hubby! Appreciate it!)
I made it through security fairly quickly and was on time for the flight. Whew.
My flight was uneventful and I arrived in Phoenix on time. The Phoenix airport is pretty large though so it took me a while to find the gate I was flying out of. Near that gate there was a restaurant where I could smoke (still haven't kicked the habit. Damnit.) Of course in order to smoke in there you have to buy a drink. Since I only had a couple dollars on me I made sure (by asking the waitress) they accepted debit.
A few hours later when it was close to my departure time I went to pay; only to discover they don't accept debit. Its only credit cards. Since the waitress told me they had debit she knew (and admited) it was her fault I couldn't pay the bill. I gave her the couple of dollars I had on me and I was good to go. Whew again.
When I was booking my flight I had a couple of options. The difference was not a time difference but only which airport I would have my connecting flight. So I chose Phoenix since I had never been to that airport. Jokingly I told a friend that I was stopping in Phoenix in the hopes of running into one of my favorite hockey players (now plays for the Coyotes) Mike Comrie.
Well I am suprised to say it actually happened!
There was me sitting in the waiting area wishing my vacation wasn't over so soon when I see a guy walk by. I think to myself 'wow looks like Mike Comrie' but I dismiss it as my imagination. Like really what are the chances that he would be flying out on the same flight as me? I kept looking back at him though and each time I looked I was more convinced it was him.
I got up and wandered a bit. Trying to decide if I should walk up to him and be like hey you look like Mike Comrie or if I should just ask if he is or just leave him alone. I wandered over to some chairs beside but a row behind him. I was standing there so he wouldn't notice/see that I kept staring at him. After a few minutes standing there he got up and walked by me. I knew then that it was him.
I also knew that my friend would never believe me without proof. (Mainly because last year I saw Grant Fuhr and again what are the chances I'd see Comrie this time) So I went over to him and said 'Excuse me.. but uh are you Mike Comrie?' He smiled and said "yes I am". I asked if he would mind taking a picture with me. He said he'd be happy to. So I now have a picture of me with Mike Comrie (Me! with Mike Comrie!). I also got his autograph (of course).

The rest of the flight was uneventful (other than being a half hour late). So that was my flight. Time for sleeping now.
Update: I have gotten around to replying now. :)
I just got home. Let me start my first post back with I had a wonderful time!
Onto the story of my flight home. I was woken up by Callie sending her beautiful daughter in to get me up. Munchkin is the perfect wake up tool. How could I be grouchy with her cuteness around? Hubby (Callies... I don't have one of those lol) made us a yummy breakfast of bacon and eggs. I got to visit with them and then headed out to the airport.
We got to the airport early and I went to pull out my ticket when uh oh it wasn't there! I had stupidly taken it out of my case and left it at their house. (which btw is a half hour drive away) After discovering there was no way onto the plane without the ticket Callie had hubby pack up the kids and drive it to me. (Thanks hubby! Appreciate it!)
I made it through security fairly quickly and was on time for the flight. Whew.
My flight was uneventful and I arrived in Phoenix on time. The Phoenix airport is pretty large though so it took me a while to find the gate I was flying out of. Near that gate there was a restaurant where I could smoke (still haven't kicked the habit. Damnit.) Of course in order to smoke in there you have to buy a drink. Since I only had a couple dollars on me I made sure (by asking the waitress) they accepted debit.
A few hours later when it was close to my departure time I went to pay; only to discover they don't accept debit. Its only credit cards. Since the waitress told me they had debit she knew (and admited) it was her fault I couldn't pay the bill. I gave her the couple of dollars I had on me and I was good to go. Whew again.
When I was booking my flight I had a couple of options. The difference was not a time difference but only which airport I would have my connecting flight. So I chose Phoenix since I had never been to that airport. Jokingly I told a friend that I was stopping in Phoenix in the hopes of running into one of my favorite hockey players (now plays for the Coyotes) Mike Comrie.
Well I am suprised to say it actually happened!
There was me sitting in the waiting area wishing my vacation wasn't over so soon when I see a guy walk by. I think to myself 'wow looks like Mike Comrie' but I dismiss it as my imagination. Like really what are the chances that he would be flying out on the same flight as me? I kept looking back at him though and each time I looked I was more convinced it was him.
I got up and wandered a bit. Trying to decide if I should walk up to him and be like hey you look like Mike Comrie or if I should just ask if he is or just leave him alone. I wandered over to some chairs beside but a row behind him. I was standing there so he wouldn't notice/see that I kept staring at him. After a few minutes standing there he got up and walked by me. I knew then that it was him.
I also knew that my friend would never believe me without proof. (Mainly because last year I saw Grant Fuhr and again what are the chances I'd see Comrie this time) So I went over to him and said 'Excuse me.. but uh are you Mike Comrie?' He smiled and said "yes I am". I asked if he would mind taking a picture with me. He said he'd be happy to. So I now have a picture of me with Mike Comrie (Me! with Mike Comrie!). I also got his autograph (of course).

The rest of the flight was uneventful (other than being a half hour late). So that was my flight. Time for sleeping now.
very cool- i have yet to have a brush with celebrity at the phoenix airport. (it's still one of my favorite airports, though.)
glad you had a good trip.
My favorite airport so far is Denver. I do like the Seattle airport now that the renovations are done. There is a wall thats all glass... I have a picture that I will put up on flickr. When I get around to putting my millions of pics up.
Dani - that's FANTASTIC!
So glad you met him. Should have gotten his phone number. ;-)
I now wish I had. Or at least given him mine. LOL
Hell yeah you should have given him yours! You two look so damn cute together. WOW. Hes hot. Your hot. What a cool trip, with a picture to remember. You Go Dani!
That's a hot picture!
Would be cool if you photoshopped the stupid figure skater out of the picture though, and maybe pasted my picture in there with you.
Phone numbers are so passe. You should have given him your URL!
That is cool though. You visualized running into your favorite celebrity, and there he was. So twilight zonish.
Awesome that you got to meet one of your favorites. I did once too but my best friend screwed it up, so still no autograph from him. I may have to post that story sometime.
Glad you had a good trip. Welcome back.
FIGURE SKATER??? FIGURE SKATER??? Thats it mark you are OFF my list!
lawbrat ~ Thats what my other friends were saying. I agree. I think we look cute together too! *sigh* At times like this I totally kick myself for being so shy!
chris ~ I also totally thought about giving him my url. LMAO It was a quick thought but quickly passed when I figured he wouldn't be interested LOL
larry ~ I can't wait to read the story! The whole twilight zone thing is totally true with me. I'll try write a blog about that sometime. It is kind of freaky.
You have a favorite airport?
(I know you covered this very well, but I really want to play the ignorant American.) Who the hell is Mike Comrie?
I've always found it a bit odd that warm climate cities have ice hockey teams. When was the last time there was real snow in Phoenix? Last ice age, maybe?
I have been in many different airports (Mostly in the states) and I do have ones I like better.
Mike Comrie is a hockey player. His number is 89. He was born and raised in Edmonton (actually St.Albert a suburb of Edmonton) He actually played for Edmonton but was traded (much craziness surrounded the trade) to Philidelphia and then Philly traded him to Phoenix. So when the strike is over he will be playing in Phoenix.
I've also thought its odd that places that haven't seen snow have hockey teams.
Ok, ok, I take back the figure skater comment.
As long as you are taking the comment back I can accept your go wings. Be careful though I am an Oilers fan and I will kick ass if you diss my team. ;)
I won't mess with the Oilers. I just hate the Avalanche, and Stars.
Well since you hate the Stars you are back in my good books. :D
I hate the Stars too.
Well, mark at least we can agree on hating the avalanche and stars.
Dani, hate to say it but I have no opinion about the Oilers as long as they aren't playing the Blues and then, well,
I wish I could remember the 3 hockey fans standing on a cliff joke cuz it would work real well right here.
Blues fans got especially pissy after Hull came over to the red side...
I have the same opinion of the blues unless they are playing the Oilers. :) I am ok with you saying Oilers suck but only when its against your favorite team. LOL
I say good riddance to Hull. Good player but jackass of a guy. Plus he is old. LOL
Ok, enough about hockey..
When you gonna post the naughty pics we're all waiting for?
Naughty pics? What naughty pics?
Never enough about hockey.
From a different post:
"Danikabur said...
LOL the real good pics are not to be seen by everyone. :P"
So maybe naughty wasn't the right word? Drunken? Inappropriate? Dirty? Silly? Embarassing?
I love hockey, but they're all on my shit-list until they get back to skating
LOL funny thing about internet comments.. jokes don't always come across LOL. I was totally playing dumb. I knew what you meant.. just pretended not to.
In actuality flickr does have all my pics. You will all be sad to know no naughtiness documented on camera.
Yeah I'm pretty pissed about hockey right now. Still I love it and can't help myself from talking about it. LOL
See, that's why we need a Snarkmark (Sarcastic Remark). If we had one, I'd have known you were being sarcastic.
I agree. Definitely need a snark mark.
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