Thursday, January 22, 2009

I know it has been forever since I’ve posted. I will be surprised if any of my readers still remember me. Life has just been insanely busy. I never really understand the difference having a child makes. I mean I knew it would make life busier, but I foolishly thought that after he went to bed or during his naps I’d have the time to do things like post on my blog. Who knew that instead of posting I’d be doing dishes or cleaning or be catching up on reading or tv and of course would be spending time with Mr. IT. Really would it be so hard to turn on the computer?

So much has changed in my life in the last year and a half. My little Monkey is amazing. Of course every Mother says that so I know he’s more amazing to me than to anyone else, but seriously the kid is unbelievably amazing. I can’t believe how much love I can and do have for him. I totally understand what people are talking about when they say there isn’t anything like the love you have for your child. My heart aches when I’m away from him. I’ve had to deal with going through every Monday – Friday with a dull ache all day long. If he isn’t awake before I leave for work in the morning (Mr.IT drives him to dayhome and I pick him up) I go through the day weighed down. I stay in a sad mood all day. When I get to see him before I leave I am in such a good mood. I am instantly happy.

The other thing I appreciate now is how time flies. I understood it before but now I really understand. I just want to freeze the days. I miss when he was tiny and would sleep on my chest. I miss rocking him to sleep. I absolutely love and treasure the things he is learning and doing right now though. He walks and runs and says a few words and he loves playing with balls and hockey sticks. He loves trying to shovel the driveway. He calls everyone Daddy including me. He practically vibrates with excitement when I go to pick him up. He also loves making me laugh. He has so much personality it blows me away.

We really lucked out with this kid too. He eats good, goes to bed good, loves to have baths, loves to go outside, loves music and is just a really happy and good kid. He’s very easy to take care of. Even when he’s sick he still tries to play and be happy.

I had a really hard time going back to work. I was trying not to let it get to me and it’s not until I look back that I realize how hard it hit me. Poor Mr. IT put up with a lot from me. It was hard to be away from my Monkey and it was weird coming back to work. Things were definitely different. First, I didn’t go back to the position I was in before. I went back to a lesser one. I still got paid the same amount. They claimed it was because they restructured and my position was gone. The problem with that is the girl that covered my mat leave had the position mine would have evolved into and no matter how they tried to deny it I knew it. I actually know it for sure now because I now have her position. In November she moved to a different position and so I got hers. It came as a promotion and I got a raise with it but I’m still a little bothered by the fact that I didn’t get it when I got back.

The other thing that changed here is that I don’t feel so involved as before. One reason is the girl that I was really good friends with before mat leave no longer speaks to me. I really don’t know why… I have heard a rumor that it was because I gave someone else kudos for an outfit she bought the Monkey. I thought we were good enough friends though that she would have told me that it bothered her. Plus it was before my Monkey was six months old and let me tell you I was a basket case during that time.

I don’t know for sure if that’s the reason since she won’t talk to me. She’s polite at work and I have no problem working with her but she doesn’t smile or talk to me at all. I did ask her about it. I asked her why she doesn’t talk to me, she told me that wasn’t a conversation to have at work. I agreed and asked if she wanted to get together to talk. She said she did… I told her that I knew she was busy and that I could free up time easier so to let me know when she wanted to get together to talk… she never did. It doesn’t really bother me that much anymore but it definitely affected my return to work. I’m very sure that one of the supervisors doesn’t like me because of the other girl. I definitely feel like an outcast of the department. Oh well, I don’t mind all that much since I just come here, do my work and go home to my Monkey.

Mr.IT and I also moved. We bought a house and moved at the beginning of August. I LOVE it. We finally put up the last of the curtains and it just looks amazing. We sold and bought at the perfect time. The condo sold at the higher price and we got our house for a lower price. It’s brand new and perfect for what we wanted. There is also a spare room for another baby sometime in the future.

Having another one is going to be put off for a little while though. The reason being… I’m soon to be Mrs. IT! We got engaged on December 15th. It was a perfect proposal and I’m extremely excited. Tentative dates for our wedding are New Years Eve or sometime this summer. We’re still figuring out affordability since a New Years wedding will be more expensive and less reception halls are available. We’re planning on waiting until after the wedding to have another one. I’d be happy to have the second before but he really wants us to do it right this time.

I’m thinking that’s enough writing for now. I hope I still have some readers left.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm a terrible blogger! I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted. Things are pretty much the same. I'm still in love with my son and staying at home with him. I can't believe he's nearly 7 months old! I've uploaded more pictures of him.

Anyway it's late and I need to get some sleep (very different from my Saturday nights a couple years ago...) but Callie was wanting more posting and more pictures so I obliged. Hopefully next time I post will be a lot sooner.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Yikes it has been a long time since I've updated. A lot has been going on but of course it's all about my little monkey now (maybe I should change my blog name..). My monkey is just over 5 months old. He smiles so much that his great gedo thinks we should have named him smiles. I have so much fun with him laughing and talking! He is already trying to crawl! It's so adorable. He now weighs 18lbs 7 1/2oz and on Wed his first tooth peeked out.

Other than that things with Mr.IT are wonderful. He's a great Dad and thankfully we work well together so that raising our monkey isn't too exhausting for either of us

There is a lot more going on but the baby is waking up from his nap so I have to run. Check out the new pics uploaded on flickr!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Well my Monkey is nearly three months old now. Time sure does fly by. He's still my chubby little man, he weighs 15lbs 11oz now. He talks and laughs so much now and I love every single smile. He's also very strong and loves to sit and stand. He's made me into more of a morning person. He wakes up smiling and I can't help but be happy seeing that.

We're all ready for Christmas here. We didn't buy anything for the little Monkey (well I bought him an outfit) since he won't care and he's going to get so much from others. We'll buy his gifts after we see what he gets.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baby monkey is now over two months old. I can't believe how much time has gone by and how much he's changed. It feels like just yesterday that I had him and he's already smiling and talking. He's a very happy baby. He still doesn't really sleep through the night though and that can definitely be wearing on me. Thankfully Mr.IT is great about giving me a night off on the weekends and letting me go to bed earlier on some week nights.

He's definitely a Mommas boy (of course most babies are) his favorite place to sleep is still in my arms and he talks the most to me. Last night I went out for a bit and he was pretty happy and awake while I was gone but Mr.IT said he didn't talk much. When I got home and was holding him he was talking up a storm.

I love that he also will now watch us when we walk away/past him. He'll smile when he sees us even if he was just fussing. He definitely prefers to be awake, he fights sleep and is usually very happy when he wakes up. He's most happy when he's naked though and absolutely loves bath time. We'll have pictures of bathtime uploaded soon. He's also pretty happy when he's getting his diaper changed... he'll grin and laugh even if he was crying and miserable before we started changing him.

He's also turned out to be a very chubby baby. He weighs 14lbs 4oz and has the cutest little budha belly.

I definitely love being a Mom even when I've had very little sleep and just want to crawl into bed. He just has to smile at me and I get a whole new wind of energy.

My baby-momma group is pretty good. I'm not sure I'll be meeting up with any of the girls after but it's nice to get out of the house. I'm still just a little shy and some of them seem to have already clicked or they have a friend in the class already. We'll see how it goes. Either way though it's nice to get out and talk to other Moms even just for a couple hours a week.

Babies awake now... gotta run.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I've made one of the toughest decisions I ever had to make. I decided to pretty much stop breastfeeding. I had a lot of problems... first with cracked nipples then with the thrush. He's also been very gassy and it's worse after I feed him. He's still gassy with the formula so we're working out which formula is best but he's worse after I feed him. I'm still not sure I made the right decision. I can't stop kicking myself for not trying for longer... for giving up. It's just after 6 weeks there were still problems and feeding him is so much more pleasant from the bottle. I can't really describe the regret I feel about it. I know it's the right decision... I just still feel kind of like a failure. I know I shouldn't beat myself up for it... plenty of women can't/don't breastfeed and I don't think any less of them so why should I think less of myself....

On another note I finally uploaded a picture of one of the things I bought with the giftcard Stephie sent. It's the soother...

I start my "Mommy and Baby" group this Thursday. I'm really looking forward to it. Meeting other new Moms is going to be great. Hopefully I'll connect with some of them so I have people to get out of the house with during the day.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's been rough without Mr.IT here but thankfully with the help of his Mom and Stepdad and my Dad it's been ok. He was really cranky Friday and Saturday evenings. Just like he was Thursday. It's pretty close to collic. Tonight was a lot better and I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow night will be good as well.

Tomorrow I go for my 6 week check up at the doctor. I can't believe it's already been 6 weeks. Time just flies by like crazy. My little monkey is already so much bigger than when he was born I already miss how tiny he was.

I can't wait for Mr.IT to get back on Tuesday. I miss him like crazy. Monday is our one year anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been a year yet so much has happened it's surprising it isn't longer.

Friday, November 02, 2007

My little monkey is doing well. We're on our own for a few days. Mr.IT is in Chicago for a software convention until Tuesday. I'm a little nervous, yesterday evening was really hard. Baby didn't want to eat or sleep even though he was hungry and tired. Without Mr. IT here it would have been much more difficult but between the two of us we were able to switch off so neither of us went nuts trying to soothe him. I'm really hoping this evening won't be like that. He slept ok though when he finally fell asleep at midnight. Mr. IT was great and let me sleep all night so that I'd have a full nights sleep before he left. I'm still breastfeeding but we also give him formula at night.

I'm uploading more pictures... including ones from halloween. He was a pumpkin! So cute so check them out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Today my little monkey is one month old! In honor of the occasion I took him to get weighed and measured. The little guy is now 10 pounds 10 ounces and 22 1/2" long. He's grown a lot already. I've also uploaded more pictures to flickr (sorry Stephie no pics of your gifts yet... soon though).

I'm happy to report the thrush is gone (hopefully to not come back) and his breast feeding blisters are gone as well. He is back to being the happy laid back baby he was in the beginning. I'm also thankfully getting a little more sleep.

Well he's waking up (hungry AGAIN) so this is just a short update.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My poor little monkey has been sick the last week. It's been rough on the both of us (and Daddy too). He is doing a lot better though and must be going through a growth spurt since he won't stop eating. Unfortunately since he was sick he started not sleeping in his playpen or bassinet. He likes to be held. Which means I've had to sleep with him in the bed. I really didn't want to get into that habit but what do you do when the poor guy won't sleep otherwise. I'm hoping that since he's starting to feel better he'll be willing to sleep alone now. We put him in his playpen pretty quickly after he falls asleep and when he wakes up we comfort him but then put him back so I'm hoping he'll get the idea.

My birthday has come and gone. I can't believe I'm 30. I had a nice day with my little family and last Saturday we went to Mr. IT's for a family birthday thing. My Dad, brother and his family all came. It was really nice.

I've been getting out of the house a little this week. On Tuesday I went for lunch with a couple girls from work and then brought the little monkey to work. Everyone thinks he's perfect looking. I of course agree. Last night Mr.IT and I took him out to the mall so I could go shopping and spend my birthday money. I needed some new shirts since I'm not quite back to my before baby body.
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