Friday, May 20, 2005
About Me
- Name: Danikabur
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I decided to start this blog as a way to keep my friends informed of whats going on with me. It is more like a journal of my life that I'm happy to share. I am not that great of a writer and will probably ramble often. I also think things in my life can be pretty boring and since I am trying to update every day (or every second day) a lot of the posts will be pretty lame. I have a son whom I adore, so a lot of my posts will be about him. Thanks for stopping by.

Previous Posts
- Date? Or not really a date? Thats the question on ...
- What a boring day! I totally have nothing to blog ...
- I'm at a loss as to what to write. So this post wi...
- Update again: Ah fuck. Its done. We lose. We were ...
- Just got home. Had another great night of dancing....
- Another boring day at work. Thankfully the day did...
- How to charm me. (again I steal from the awesome D...
- I slept in today. I woke up with enough time to ge...
- I couldn't think about anything to write today so ...
- Still sick. Getting better though. Yesturday most ...

My score was 13%
love Sarsi
I already knew you were cooler than me Sardi!!!
Love you right back!
I just did the test again and got 20% lol I guess more 'losers' have taken it since I did. (You guys still have me beat though lol)
i got a 66....i'm not as much of a loser as expected, though it's still nothing i'd post on billboards along major highways.
Dammit, I scored a 52%
I scored a 28%. Thats good though, because I thought I was going to be less cool than that. I'm so cool. :-)
Unknown is lawbrat. I dont know whats up with blogger. I put my name in, it says unknown. A few hours later, it says my name, then looks silly when there is another post that says, unknown is lawbrat. UGH!
This is WAY cool:
2% are cooler, and
98% are more of a loser than you.
Woo hoo! I expected to be a total loser. LMAO!
OMG Calam I am so cooler than you! How did you score higher?? :P
Blogger can be so strange lawbrat.
Nice to 'see' you back Mark! Also nice to 'see' you Duff. Both of you are pretty cool in my books (from what I've read of your blogs).
Well, I've always done well on tests. Just ask my teachers . . .
"Tending towards loser status, get help soon "
was it because i chose engineering as a preferred profession?
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