Monday, April 03, 2006

I had a very good weekend. As usual I didn't get enough sleep but to quote Sticky 'I'll sleep when I'm dead.'

Saturday was my nieces birthday so I went over to celebrate. She was spoiled... as always. She got a karaoke machine and a barbie phone. She is FOUR and already has her own phone! My Dad and I went in together and bought her a castle slide for outside.

I headed to the usual place after that. It was Cs birthday. He turned 35. It was a great time. He was very very drunk. He rarely gets drunk.... I know it has been many many years since he was that drunk. I'm sure it will be many more years before he does that again. After I bought him a few shots and a pitcher of beer D showed up and bought him some shots. I had told him I'd be the designated driver if he wanted so just before doing the shots he handed me his keys. When I drove him home I helped him to his door and then had to unlock it for him. I was going to help him up his stairs but he said not to worry about it.

Since we were at name that tune they had to do a happy birthday thing to him. They got him to stand with his arm outstretched and had the girls hang their bras on him. He then had to dance around the bar like that. It was hilarious. C is usually the type that just sits quietly at the table so it was fun to see him dancing around the bar.

It was a great night complete with dancing on the bar.


Blogger Joe said...

Dancing on the bar even? Sweet.

Welcome to Blog Explosion, by the way.

2:51 PM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger Mark said...

I wish there was a bar around here where the ladies took off their bras and hung them on me. That would rock. A lot.

6:52 AM, April 04, 2006  
Blogger Larry said...

Amazing what a little(or a lot of) alcohol will do for that inner extrovert. Glad to hear your neice had a great birthday.

12:20 PM, April 04, 2006  
Blogger Danikabur said...

Thanks Joefish... I'm still trying to figure my way around blog explosion. lol

Well Mark you'll just have to come visit. Then you can get the full experience of the craziness of my favorite place. :)

Thanks Larry!

12:52 PM, April 04, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...

Your bar sounds alot more fun than my bar. My bar just serves drinks on the bar. No one ever dances on it. :(

2:24 AM, April 07, 2006  

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