Since I don't have anything really interesting to say I decided to post this (stolen from Pizzle):
Directions: Go to Google and click on the images link.Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture the search engine finds.
- The name of the town where you were born or grew up
- The name of the town where you live now
- Your name
- Your Grandmother’s name (pick one)
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite song
- Your favorite smell

Still Edmonton

My name

My Grandmothers Name: Appelonia

Fast Food



Smell of Rain

Directions: Go to Google and click on the images link.Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture the search engine finds.
- The name of the town where you were born or grew up
- The name of the town where you live now
- Your name
- Your Grandmother’s name (pick one)
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite song
- Your favorite smell

Still Edmonton

My name

My Grandmothers Name: Appelonia

Fast Food



Smell of Rain

That's cool, Dani. I might steal it. :)
I like your profile pic! Sad to see your other one go though! Steal away :D
Isn't that cool?! Those two Google things are fascinating.
Cool pics!
I didn't really like the name one lol but the image one I (obviously) really liked. :D
Dani, I got tired of looking at my own picture, so I had to change it. The pic is of my favorite place in the world (cuz, ya know, I've seen SO much of it....riiight): Jaco Beach, Costa Rica. Man, what I wouldn't give to be there right now. :)
Thats where I'd like to be... inside your pic!
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