Wednesday, July 27, 2005
About Me
- Name: Danikabur
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I decided to start this blog as a way to keep my friends informed of whats going on with me. It is more like a journal of my life that I'm happy to share. I am not that great of a writer and will probably ramble often. I also think things in my life can be pretty boring and since I am trying to update every day (or every second day) a lot of the posts will be pretty lame. I have a son whom I adore, so a lot of my posts will be about him. Thanks for stopping by.

Previous Posts
- Here are the answers to the questions Larry asked....
- I've been debating and thinking about this post fo...
- I think I will have more oppurtunity to relax this...
- People can so suck it. If I'm not given all the in...
- My mood has improved but am still not my usual sel...
- You've reached the blog of Danikabur. Unfortunatel...
- Another busy weekend. Saturday I woke up early. I ...
- I just got home from a fun evening. Dayna and I we...
- I so love wakeboarding. I am really sore today but...

Damn straight you're sexy!!!
Woo hoo!!!
Gotta love a woman who can bring men to their knees with a touch of her hand. ;-)
Well.. I'm not sure that aspect compares to me.
Jem?? Ah, I remember that cartoon. She had the magic earrings, right? Or something? That's funny...
Yeah she had the magic earrings and she was a rock singer and faught the misfits. lol Oh and talked to something called synergy. lol
Darn you just reminded me of something I wanted to add when I was talking about Jem. The fact that her theme song has 'Jem Jem she is truly outrageous' helps make the comparison to me. I am truly outrageous as well.
hey loved the audio post , how did u do that, and bye the way , way to go on briing a man to his kness , we need it ever so often
i'll be back , love the witty humour you have , I'm asnob that way , unless it's witty , i'm outty,
Oh, man. Dani, if I sing the theme song from "JEM" while trying to sleep tonight, I'm totally going to blame you!! :)
Thank you and welcome Petrow! Glad you enjoy. To Audio blog I signed up with All you do is sign up and phone the number they give. Its like leaving a message on an answering machine.
Just for you Steph!
Jem is truly outrageous
Truly, truly, truly outrageous
Woo ooo Jem...
the music's contagious
Jem is my name
No one else is the same
Jem is my name
But we're the misfits
Our songs are bitter
We are the misfits - the misfits
and we're gunna get her
Say it again. ;)
You are very sexy! I promise if you bring me to my knees I'll make happy you did. ;)
Augh, Dani, NOOOOOOO!!!!! :)
Luckily, I didn't read your last comment before I went to bed, so I dodged a bullet there! Ha ha!
Callie kinda half pointed this out, but is no one going to mention that Rogue's primary ability is lethal? She literally sucks the life right out of people. When you think of it like that, I don't think that matches you at all Dani.
Although I would love to see you knock down a building or throw a car or something.
Larry ~ :D
Lowk ~ Oh I have no doubt about that.
Gypsy ~ Darn I figured you probably wouldn't see it in time.
Digi ~ Thats one of the first things I said to Callie. I was like oh yeah rogue cuz I totally suck the life out of people. LOL Not so much me.
I'd love to be able to throw cars around though. How cool would that be!
Rogue was very sexy, to be sure. I think it was the white streak, in her hair.
Maybe you could get a white streak? That would be frosty.
BTW: I friggin love these audio posts. I may have to steal that idea from you. :)
Larry's all yours, is he?
(Dude, run with this...)
In Grade 10, my best friend and I dressed up like Jem and her best friend, Kimber, for Hallowe'en. I was Kimber - blue hair, black micromini skirt, lacey shirt with blue tank top underneath, hot pink stockings, blue lacey ankle socks and CFM stilettos. Oh yeah, baby, I LOVE Jem man, she ROCKED!!
I'll so be the Kimber to your Jem.
Pardon me while I drag Kimber offstage for a few moments of heavy breathing...
Shanshu ~ I love being able to audio blog! You can so take the idea from me! (of course I stole the idea from Lola so it isn't really mine)
I love Rogues white streak too! I just don't think it would work so well on me.
Mossy ~ Yup he is all mine. Of course I don't think he has fully agreed to that yet. However I'm not really leaving room for argument. :)
Oh and I'm SO joining you for the heavy breathing with Penny!
Penny ~ I'd love for you to be Kimber to my Jem! I think if I lip sing I could rock out enough to be her. ;)
Dani - check out my blog, you'll get a laugh.
And of course you're welcome to join in on our heavy breathing.
Are ya bringing Larry? LOL
Of course you're welcome to join us, Dani. We figured you'd find us eventually.
As for Larry, if he's been chanting his mantra, the camera and the batteries will be good to go. I know we won't have to worry about the "tripod" because he'll be all set-up there. ;-)
LOL at the tripod comment. Now all I can visualize is the dialogue between "Mini Me" and Michael Caine in the last Austin Powers!
I'm sure if Larry wants, Mossy will be able to hold the camera steady with his "tripod" too.
I'm feeling left out of the heavy breathing.
C'mon and join the party, Callie. I'm sure the guys will tell you, the more, the merrier! :oP
These thoughts will help the afternoon pass quite nicely...
...but I have to be careful about having the tripod in the cubicle. ;-)
Well of course I'd bring Larry. I can't very well leave him out to get picked up by another girl!!!
Callie I'm certain the guys won't have a problem with you joining in and I'd like it if you did!
Watch that tripod in the cubicle. Co-workers may not understand that you must have it ready for action...
I wonder, wherever Larry is right now, are his ears burning? Is he muttering, "camera. batteries. camera. batteries." without knowing why?
Bring your tripod home, Mossy, and we'll see if we can turn it into a tootsie pop! ;o)
I love your comments Penny! So glad to have discovered you from Larry's site!
Aww and vice versa, Dani. Nice to know I have a sister/soulmate out there in Alberta.
By the way, I was born in Calgary, y'know.
Must be something about the Alberta water.......
Penny, that's strictly as clinical research for Dani, right? ;-)
Okay, so in all this backstage heavy breathing I trust that there's room for me and/or Larry at certain spots?
Being relegated to the role of "spectator" is simply cruel and unusual punishment.
Besides, I think it's a great way to share how many licks it takes to get to your 'centres', tootsies *weg*
God, I love you, Mossy, you pervert.
That's why you married me, innit?
Well of course you are invited to join in the fun Mossy! I wouldn't dare 'take' your wife and say you can't participate!
Cool that you were born in Alberta! It could be something in the water.. or the air.. or maybe the fumes from all the oil.
Because you're a pervert? Only partially...
I married you cuz you put up with me and don't seem to mind the kind of trouble I bring. ;o)
This kind of trouble I'll happily get into...and out of...and into...and out of...*switch* and into...and out of...and into....*switch* orgasmus infinitum
Hmmm I'm thinking that lack of blood to Mossy's brain has started to affect his train of thought. :oP
Hey, I thought you liked my one-track mind?
I like the one track mind.. although when the blood is getting to your head you do seem to have more than a one track mind. lol
Hows the tripod doin?
Dani? You're gonna "take" me? Oh yeah, baby! Will you tell me "Youre MINE" too, please??
Move over, Larry, make some room...
I do, hunny, I do like the one-track mind. It matches mine. Just don't get fired, okay? :oP
As long as Mossy approves. Maybe I should make both of you Mine. Then Callie Mine. Then Lowk Mine (gotta keep the husband and wives together).
Then I will have you all!
Yup thats what I'll do!
Penny you are MINE!
Oh I can handle a "multi-track", just ask Penny and "Terri".
(so what time should we pick you up at the Airport, Dani?)
Woohoo! I am HERS!
"Find a Penny, Need a Penny" LOL
Well you know I've thought it through and decided that you should be coming to me. I mean I 'have' more of you so I would have to do a whole lot of traveling.. and while I like traveling it would be quicker for everyone to come to me.
So Mossy you are also MINE
"This kind of trouble I'll happily get into...and out of...and into...and out of...*switch* and into...and out of...and into....*switch* orgasmus infinitum"
Holy shit. I can barely see, b/c my eyes have watered so badly from laughing. Dammit, Mossy! You need to post! :)
Glad we could keep you entertained, Dirty one...
Yes, I know I need to post. Been up to my ass in work and I haven't felt like I had much to say.
Might do something on the weekend, so watch that space!
I got the batteries charging. When and where? :P
You guys do a great job of keeping me entertained too!
As soon as possible Larry... soon as possible. :)
Mossy, I'll be waiting with bated breath. :)
Okay - just talked to hubby. We're going to *try* to get out there for Xmas. Anyone else wanna join???
Any takers? Anyone? Anyone?
Callie wants to know who will "take" her...
I have Callie!
Callie you are MINE!
Someone wants me!
I feel so wanted now.
Always wanted Callie... just glad you are MINE now. :D
I wonder why nobody wants me...must be the KIMBER thing, coming back to bite me.
I knew it.
Well Shanshu if you'd like to join the group....
You are MINE shanshu MINE
Well, I was thinking we could all meet on neutral ground - Vancouver in October. I'm not one for Christmas in Alberta...brrrrr!!!! I don't care how many naked bodies there are to keep me warm, I'd be cold, damn it!!
Can't we all meet in the Van in October, huh? huh? Mossy and I are already booked!!
Oct is when my birthday is. :)
If only I had the money to go to Van. I'd totally go because you never know.. I could run into Lex! *giggle*
Callie, since you are Dani's I guess by extention that makes you MINE too. Yay.
If I am still employed I will be trying to make it to BC.
MINE=no one elses. Not even by extention (unless I allow it).
Goodness, possessive, aren't we???
Larry, I can be yours when Dani and Lowk are busy with other people. Sound fair to you?
Lowk! He is MINE too!
Lowk you are MINE
He can be yours after I'M done with him. After all, I have legal papers saying he's already MINE.
But, I'm more than willing to share. Actually, come to think about it, I'd have a petulant hubby if I didn't, wouldn't I?
Oh my god, I need a flowchart.
If we all belong to Dani, Mossy wants to know when we get to have her and all I want to know is can we all have her at the same time? I'm okay with sharing. *wink*
Forget the chart, let's share. ;P
Darn! I was going to see how many of you I could collect berfore I was denied. Looks like I really only could get 4.
Larry is still MINE (even if I have to give everyone else away)
Oh and I'm actually all for sharing too! Only as long as I get a piece :D
I think you're going to get a piece of everyone...just be careful, cuz we all want a piece of you, too. *weg*
Sounds good... wait.. if everyone wants a piece of me... do you think there is enough to go around? Cuz I don't want to be broken
I can't vouch for everyone else but I'll be gentle(most of the time).
Blogging sluts, all of you.
And why wasn't I notified immediately of this orgiastic blog sluttiness? I totally need to be invited. I've got a big hat.
You may break out into a sweat, break out into screams, break into song, break a nail (in someone's back) but we won't break you, Dani, I promise.
Whew. I'm all for it as long as I don't end up broken. :)
Digi! You are totally welcome to join. I just thought you might be busy.. you know since you ran into FIB again. All that sex must be tiring :P
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