I go get coffee every morning. Usually I get everyones order but this morning it was just my coffee to worry about. The drive thru I go to is always busy so some morning it can take a long time which I definitely don't mind since the longer I'm in line is the longer I'm away from work. When I got up to the window to pay I was told I don't owe anything. It was paid for not by the guy in the vehicle ahead of me but the one in the truck in front of him. He didn't give a reason. All I have to say is thank you! I love free coffee! That isn't the first time this month I've gotten free coffee either. Not mentioning the countless cups friends have bought me (thanks guys) but I also had two other strangers by my coffee. One actually paid for not only my coffee but also my bagel. They had reasons though. I let one of them in the line and the other almost backed into me. It was a very nice and very needed way to start my morning.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
About Me
- Name: Danikabur
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I decided to start this blog as a way to keep my friends informed of whats going on with me. It is more like a journal of my life that I'm happy to share. I am not that great of a writer and will probably ramble often. I also think things in my life can be pretty boring and since I am trying to update every day (or every second day) a lot of the posts will be pretty lame. I have a son whom I adore, so a lot of my posts will be about him. Thanks for stopping by.

Previous Posts
- Talk about stressed out. I've been really down the...
- If someone is driving you nuts and you kill them c...
- I haven't felt much like blogging lately. In fact ...
- Well I did audioblog Kals 20 questions but for som...
- I was answering the 20 questions Kal had on his si...
- I love having the weekend off. I went out last nig...
- TGIF!! This has been a pretty long week for me. I'...
- I had a very good weekend. As usual I didn't get e...
- I have been a little blah lately. There isn't real...

Well, now that I know the way to your heart. I'll buuuy the coffee when you're here. (bagal too)
See what happens when you smile!
Who said anything about smiling?
Or you could just skip the bagel and cook a yummy breakfast :D
Go Wings!
I'd buy your coffee until all of your stresses were gone.
Hope you have a stress-free weekend!
Hey! You suck Mark! It's YOUR fault my Oilers lost. LOL j/k
Thanks for the hope of a stress free weekend.. and the thoughts of buying my coffee :D
That guy that threw in the bagel sounds serious!
I was going to buy you coffee, but I did not know where to send the check.
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